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Our Beliefs, Values & Principles


UCAA beliefs that:

  • The rural impoverished marginalized communities have capacity to reverse the situation if given the opportunity to work together/ in a participatory way.
  • Together we can develop local capacities, strengthen governance systems, and make markets work for the poor.
  • The marginalized can become productive, if empowered with knowledge, skills and initial support/ capital.
  • That change can only be positive if we influence positive change of attitude and self-reliance.


The core values that guide UCAA work are derived from set of values compass:

  • Independence and neutrality: UCAA works entirely on the basis of its mandate by focusing on issues concerning the most vulnerable and marginalized persons.
  • Inclusion – of the community and people we work with:  - respecting and working together with the community and people, so that they are empowered to participate in planning and implementation, as well as make right choices for sustainability and ownership.
  • Gender equality – believes that all women and men are equal before and under the law; have equal dignity (worth) of the person and opportunities in economic, political, cultural and social life.  
  • Social - accountability and transparency – we hold ourselves accountable to the highest level of ethical behavior and responsibility for our actions, while maintaining integrity in our performance without anticipating reward. We shall also advocates for transparency and accountability from all duty bearers for improved service delivery and equitable development
  • Mutual respect – for the equal rights of human person: UCAA uses change agent methodology for awareness and rights-based approach to its work to ensure that all vulnerable and marginalized persons can enjoy their rights and life opportunities without any kind of discrimination.
  • Volunteerism: we commit to selfless services through our action and conduct towards humanity with Love and dedication to changing the conditions that enslave and reinforce marginalization of  the poor rural women & Men
  • Empowerment and participation: we appreciate each other's contribution and encourage ourselves that together we can achieve our goals as Agent of change and should have the opportunity to shape processes of development


UCAA is guided by the following principles:

  • Equal opportunity
  • Innovation and continuous learning
  • Selfless service oriented for humanity
  • Empowerment and self-Reliance
  • Transparency and honesty
  • Non- discrimination


Uganda Change Agent Association

Plot 30 Rashid Khamis Road. P.O. Box 2922, K'la, UG.

by phone: (256) 41 4236907

or fill in the form on our contact page

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