Before Grace Anna Lorika of (Napak) district was trained, she was a peasant farmer who used to do her work without any budget that resulted in losses.
After she was trained, Grace learnt to make her budget and spend accordingly. She also learnt to avoid spending on misdirected priorities such as drinking alcohol. Since then she started brewing beer and also save with a group.
The knowledge of saving and engaging in Income generating activities acquired from Change Agent Training has helped her to educate her children. Some of them (two) are in secondary and others are in Primary. She has also been able to meet basic needs of the family buying clothing’s, feeding and health services.
Lorika is the LCIII Councillor (Ngoleriat Sub County, Napak District) Deputy speaker (2011 – 2016).
Grace is currently working with three groups. These groups are doing saving and credit schemes. It is worth noting that with all these achievements, Lorika is only a primary seven leaver.
“Bravo UCAA”.
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