Driciru Leah - Arua District

Driciru Leah is a member of Amabe Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) which was mobilized by Onukua Dison, Change Agent of Terego Branch Arua District.  She is a mother of six children and she joined this group in 2008.  After joining this group, she was able to initiate a number of income generating activities including marketing, retail trade and as well as crop production from where she was able to earn a net income of Ush.1,200,000/= per annum then.

With the income earned from the above businesses, she and her husband were able to provide for their family quite more easily than before they joined the group. She recently bought a bicycle for her family using the dividends she got from the group worth 229,750/= and also bought some goats and home utensils.

Driciru attributes all these developments to Onukua Dison, a Change Agent for pulling her in her rural setting and imparting the knowledge of income generating activities during his trainings to improve the quality of their family life.  She above all thanked UCAA for its unique methodology of self-reliance which in her lifetime no NGO or Government has provided.